Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Hey you:) We've been having a ton of rain here these last couple of days which is pretty out of the ordinary for this area, and there's actually been a lot of flooding of fields and parking lots which was starting to get scary! It's let up now and the rest of the week looks sunny and clear, but I thought I'd share a few things we like to do when it's cold and wet and dreary outside:

1.           make some herbal tea or hot chocolate
2.          build a big blanket fort
3.          play some iron and wine or your favorite similar band
4.          do a little online window shopping, careful though! :)
5.          cook up a pot of soup and some bread or rolls to go with it
6.          take out some pencils or paints and let loose
7.          do some yoga together
8.           take a nap 
9.           spend just five minutes cleaning in every room in your house
10.       take on an indoor DIY project you haven't had time for
11.        take out a map or globe and a notebook and make plans for future trips to exotic places
12.       fill up a box or two with stuff to donate
13.       light a fire in the wood-stove or hearth
14.       wash and fold all the dirty laundry in the house
15.       have a dance party
16.       play some favorite records
17.       have a skype or google hangout with family or friends
18.       have an indoor picnic on the floor
19.       go through old photos and organize them into albums
20.       wrap up in your softest blankets and read a book
21.       make sugar cookies and have fun decorating them
22.      break out the board games
23.      write letters to long distance friends or family
24.      make some popcorn and have marathon of your favorite series

Well there you have it! I hope this little list of ideas can help cure your rainy day blues or even help you on your next snow day if you're reading this during the winter months:) Before you go though I'd love to hear if you have a favorite pass-times you'd care to share in the comments, and thanks as usual for visiting today!