Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Chad and I don't usually make a big deal of Valentines day in particular, but we do love having a solo date-night if the opportunity arrises and usually get each other something small in honor of the occasion. Since the kids are older this year though, I thought it'd be fun to add some fun little decorations around the house this week, and I thought I'd share some of my findings with you guys!

Some of those look super easy and fun don't you think? Like I said, we're not into Valentines day that much-not the big bombs of cliche pink-ness that hit stores in mid-December, but we do love a good excuse to be mushy and reminisce about falling in love.

We've also had fun using it as an excuse to do little acts of 'love' and kindness for others with Thomas, and it's been good for all of us:) Anyway enough ranbling, but I hope that you've been having a good love month so far if that's your thing, and I hope that this little collage gives you a little insporation for some simple ways of celebrating the rest of the week.

Take care today, and thanks so much for visiting!